Nov 2, 2005 · 1 minute read
eid mubarak to all… eid mubarak :) big arguments, like every year, about when eid is, when we can and when we can’t have eid, some people want others to fast 31 days because they think its impossible for the moon to be seen today… but anyhow, i looked online at a lunar calendar and it says that the new moon is tonite, which makes eid tomorrow, so whatever man… that’s what my masjid is doing, that’s what a lot of people are doing, and al7amdulillah, that’s what i am doing. its not worth such a big fight, argument, and controversy as far as i am concerned.
anyhow, so our masjid, islamic society of central jersey rented out the new jersey convention and exposition center for eid prayers. very interestingly enough, no the convention center’s site, there’s a “events calendar…” – i took a screenshot of the calendar because this will go away tomorrow… (if its showing up small, click the image for the full size picture).

imagine that… “pakistani prayer service” - mind you, this masjid is mostly arabs too… i wonder if they won’t let me in because i am egyptian… Allahu a3lam.
Oct 17, 2005 · 1 minute read
this video is totally sub7anAllah-inducing. you may have to right click and “save target as” to get it to download.
Sep 9, 2005 · 1 minute read
“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”
i finally got around to reading the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy. really funny book. maybe i will try to read the other books at some point.
i played around some today with ruby-gnome2 bindings. all i can say is wow. the website documentation is incredible, and you can do so much in so little code. i played around some with ruby-gtkmozembed, and in a few lines of code, you basically have a fully functional web browser.
require 'gtkmozembed'
class Main
def initialize
window =
window.resize(800, 600)
window.title = "ahmed's google test"
browser =
browser.chrome_mask = Gtk::MozEmbed::ALLCHROME
browser.location = ""
browser.signal_connect("title"){ window.title = browser.title; }
window << browser
window.signal_connect("destroy"){ Gtk::main_quit }
that’s all for now.
Aug 16, 2005 · 1 minute read
here’s some islamic poetry i came across in a lecture by sheikh muhammad al-shareef:
la dara lel mar2ee ba3d al mowtee yaskonoha
illa alatee kana qabl al mawtee yabneeha
fa2in banaha be'7ayrin taaba maskanahu
wa in banaha be sharin, ‘7aba baneeha
there is no home for a person after he dies to live in,
except the one he was building before he dies,
so if he builds it with khayr/good deeds, his home will be beautiful,
but if he builds it with the sin/disobedience, its builder will be in trouble.
a6a3see al ilaha wa anta tuzhiru 7ubahu
hatha la 3amree fel qeyasu badee3u
in kana 7ubaka sadiqan la a6a3tahu
inna al mo7iba leman yu7iba mo6ee3u
how can you disobey Allah (SWT) and claim that you love Him,
this is a very strange and unique way of understanding,
if your love of Allah (SWT) were true, you would have obeyed Him,
for verily the person who loves someone will follow them.
Aug 10, 2005 · 1 minute read
at the suggestion of behdad off the arabeyes-developers list, i’ve posted my color and arabic shaping frustrations [along with the code] on gnome’s bugzilla.
hopefully someone can point me in the right direction…
Aug 9, 2005 · 1 minute read

emperor works great under
cedega - i beat one level with it :)
Aug 8, 2005 · 1 minute read
i’ve always dual booted windows and linux even though linux was my primary os [i am currently running gentoo, its great!]. but finally, today, i’ve deleted the xp partition and am now running 100% linux. i may get vmware so i can play around with visual studio if i want to write some windows apps, but i think the days of dual booting are over for me, at least for now.
Aug 6, 2005 · 1 minute read
greets. so these few days, i’ve been playing around with the boids algorithm, trying to write a simple implementation. i finally succeeded in doing so, in python, in under 125 lines. its pretty simple though but really cool.
boids is a “distributed behavioral model,” representing how birds fly or fish swim or whatnot. that link is a pretty good discussion of the algorithm, and this page has some pseudo code for the algorithm.
the really cool thing is how changing the rules really affects where the objects go. so for now, my implementation uses pygame and uses boxes rather than birds.
here is a picture:

oh yeah! and i am posting using drivel! - it seems to works great!
Jul 18, 2005 · 1 minute read
my friend and i’s conversation about my birthday:
(00:17:27) e_jive: so how young are u ?
(00:17:30) e_jive: lol
(00:17:37) ahmed: celebrating over 2 decades of elite code!
(00:17:43) e_jive: lol
(00:17:46) e_jive: true
(00:17:52) e_jive: so are u a guru now?
(00:18:00) e_jive: u know 2 decades is a lifetime
(00:18:25) e_jive: especially considering u came out of the womb with a laptop and a palm pilot :)
Jun 20, 2005 · 1 minute read
woohoo, got world of warcraft running in linux! it worked, for the most part, under wine [w/o sound]… it works a little better under cedega [sound, a little better of a frame rate], but i am running it on cedega using d3d rather than opengl… whenever i try to run it on cedega with opengl, cedega dies. not sure why.
the game is surprisingly playable from the little bit i played. i had to turn the settings down [they were all the way at max in windows and i was still getting better frame rates than in linux]. now i get decent frame rates even outside [i tested it in auberdine and the wetlands, but i have not yet ventured to ironforge around the auction house to see what happens there].
the only kind of annoying thing is that right clicking is a tiny bit lagged… not quite sure why. i want to follow up with these cedega people and find out why i can’t run it in opengl mode, maybe it’ll be a little faster that way even.
irregardless, i am pretty happy it works well enough to play :) and i am pretty surprised that the free wine actually ran it with very little effort. woot!