the weather is crazy hot
May 21, 2004 · 1 minute readrandom
need i say more?
greets. not much going on, i beat ff6, now on to ff8… anyways… mansoor just got a shieldhost account too, and put his wedding pictures up! you can find them at
if you want to read something pretty funny (at least look at the pictures if you don’t want to read it), check this out - the story of the P-P-P-Powerbook.
today i also fixed the rendering of the site in internet explorer. okay, that’s all for now. oh and thanks to mansoor for leaving the first comment on my page :)
greets! finally, at last, i was able to put the new site up! it wasn’t a fun experience (initially, i designed and tested the site on my home box with pyblosxom, only to find out that it wouldn’t work on the hosting site, so after sending a request for support, i decided to try to “port” my work over to wordpress rather than wait for them to get back to me); but its done.
some pretty cool stuff with this new site, now that i have scripting support, is that readers can leave comments on the posts, and that the posts are now categorized, so someone can just read posts in categories that they are interested in and ignore the rest.
alright, that’s all for now. peace out.